Exploratory research on students basic skills development after pandemic

TOPIC : Research study on students basic skill in English language after pandemic.

Questions :
1. What is my students ability in language skills?
2. Are they capable of recalling vocabulary and grammar part?
3. Can they read and write English by their own? 
4. How they respond to instructions in English?

Pre-test for students of class 3 :
Question paper:
I used above mentioned question paper and collected answers from my students. I have conducted this pretest for 10 students and analysed the results. 
After getting all answers I understood that almost 20% of my students are lack of all basic language skills. 50% of my students are struggling to read and 60% of my students are not able to write a sentence with proper meaning. 70% of my students forgot grammar usage. Graphical representation of this result is as follows..
.               x- axis --- skills of English
                y - axis --- percentage of students

My pretest results made me to think about the struggles of school going children after this pandemic period. No one imagined this situation and we are in rush to get solution to solve this problem and to give hand to our little minds. I want to discuss about this with my colleagues. An initiative for this was survey conducted by me through online. My colleagues responded to the core and I  received good survey sheets.
Here I pasted the link for my survey..
From survey answers, I found that almost all students from various region and background feels the same problem while reading and writing. 
My analysis follows....

 On seeing the data, I could determine the needs and essentials for my classroom, but I can't wait for my classroom to be back. We all know the second wave of COVID-19  is reaching and may be we can get into another few phases of lockdown. I decided to frame activities which are ICT friendly and also student friendly. 
• I will workout a BRIDGE COURSE for basic language skills during this period.
• For effective utilisation of ICT sources I need parents support more, so I will conduct an orientation program for my class parents.
• I will organize my ideas into draft and make weekly plans for the bridge course .
• I will start from the basic level and step by step I will emphasises on all the LSRW skills.
• I hope this steps will make my children move better towards language and this will help them in learning other subjects too. 
Here I want to share some of my workouts for bridge course. They are as follows:
like this simple worksheets, activites, voice tasks, simple video lessons, group video call activites and more to make the children to comeback to their track.
This pandemic created an emerging awareness on ICT development of teachers. Every teacher should learn to redefine the nature and boundaries of learning ecosystem. We should learn to use these disruptions as good opportunities to make paradigm shift to learn with ecosystem. 
I will extent my research after each phase of upgradation in my bridge course. Thank you for this precious opportunity.


  1. My efforts to send comments are not enough for ur achievements ra na...

    1. Splendid sentence to support me.. Thank you so much dear

  2. Varunani, you have selected very useful topic for all in this pandemic. Datailed research. Action plan with ICT good effort. Start your Bridge Course you can achieve. All the best

    1. You are always with me in my progress. Thank you so much my dear

  3. You have selected very useful topic sister...Great Efforts πŸ‘

  4. Common topic .
    Your research is useful to us also madam. Thank you.

    1. Thank you sir. I should learn more from your classrooms

  5. Your topic is adequate. You put in the extraordinary effort... Keep it up.

  6. Hi ma. U selected the very usefu topic . Children need the basic knowledge that u had taken. Keep going and rocking πŸ’ͺπŸ‘

  7. Great effort...useful activities
    It useful to all

  8. Great action plan...everyone need this...after a pandemic, all are facing the same problems. Good topic selection

    1. Thank you prabhu sir. I need all your guidance in making this research in action.

  9. Your thoughts and plans of teaching r really fabulous..mam

  10. Very great effort mam. Nice action planπŸ‘

  11. Action research is to find a problem from students from particular area and situation and to rectify it by taking steps. But ur topic is a problem which has not yet find, but it'll be the problem of the whole... What a wonderful topic! Which u have chosen... Great thoughts.. great effort... Great Research... Congrats...


  12. Virtual in usage of Tech.,

    Vibrant with ur kids

    Visible&Variety in research.,

    I.e.....Varunanai Ra Na

  13. Very good research and well plan for action. Keep it up madam


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